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Index of Names

Tin-plate workers' Treweek (link to entry)Ulster, Province of (link to entry)
Company (link to entry)Trewincan (link to entry)Umbrell (link to entry)
Tinten (link to entry)Trinity House, Guild (link to entry)Umfrevile (link to entry)
Tippet (link to entry)Trippet (link to entry)Unwyn (link to entry)
Titherlr (link to entry)Trogone (link to entry)Upholders' Company
Tiverton, Town (link to entry)Trollop (link to entry) bis (link to entry), (link to entry)
Tobacco-pipe Makers' Trompintone (link to entry)Utterson (link to entry)
Company (link to entry)Tross (link to entry)Uverey (link to entry)
Todd (link to entry)Trotter (link to entry)
Todenham (link to entry)Troutbeck *(link to entry)
Tofte (link to entry)Trowbridge *(link to entry)
Tokett (link to entry)Trowte (link to entry)Vach (link to entry)
Tolderrey (link to entry)Trubshawe (link to entry), (link to entry)Vaghan (link to entry)
Tolosa (link to entry)Trumbull (link to entry)Vale (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)
Tomb (link to entry)Trumpenton (link to entry)Valence *(link to entry), (link to entry), *(link to entry)
Tomyris (link to entry)Trumpington (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)Valens (link to entry)
Tonyn (link to entry)Trusbutt (link to entry)Valeres *(link to entry)
Tooker (link to entry)Trussell (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)Vale Royal, Abbey (link to entry)
Topclyff (link to entry)Trye(e) (link to entry), *(link to entry)Valliant (link to entry)
Topp bis (link to entry)Tryvett bis *(link to entry)Valoines bis (link to entry)
Torrance (link to entry)Tubb (link to entry)Vance (link to entry)
Torrens (link to entry)Tucker bis *(link to entry)Vancey (link to entry)
Totewhill (link to entry)Tudman (link to entry)Vane bis *(link to entry)
Tottenham (link to entry)Tuenge (link to entry)Vanhatton (link to entry)
Touk (link to entry)Tuffle (link to entry)Van Mildert, Bp. (link to entry)
Toulson (link to entry)Tunstall Bp. (link to entry)Vannes, Ville de (link to entry)
Tourney (link to entry)Turberville (link to entry), Bp. (link to entry)Varlet (link to entry)
Towers bis *(link to entry), Bp. (link to entry)Turbine, Bp. *(link to entry)Varneck *(link to entry)
Towgood (link to entry)Turbutt *(link to entry)Vassel(l) (link to entry), (link to entry)
Townson, Bp. (link to entry)Turkey Merchants (link to entry)Vaughan (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)
Tracy (link to entry)Turnbull *(link to entry) (link to entry), (link to entry), Bp. *(link to entry)
Trade and Plantations, Turner (link to entry)Vault (link to entry)
Commissers. of(Seal) (link to entry)Turners' Company (link to entry)Vaultier (link to entry)
Trainel (link to entry)Turton, Bp. *(link to entry)Vaus (link to entry)
Tramaill (link to entry)Turville (link to entry)Vaux (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)
Trap (link to entry)Tuystale (link to entry)Vauneye (link to entry)
Trasaher (link to entry)Twenge (link to entry)Vavasour *(link to entry)
Trat (link to entry)Twistleton *(link to entry)Vawdrey (link to entry)
Travers (link to entry), (link to entry)Twynkyn (link to entry)Veal(e) (link to entry), (link to entry)
Trecothik (link to entry)Tybold, Bp. (link to entry)Vecey (link to entry)
Trefusis *(link to entry)Tyes *(link to entry)Veck (link to entry), (link to entry)
Tregarthick *(link to entry)Tyldesley (link to entry)Veer *(link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)
Tregean (link to entry)Tyler, Bp. (link to entry)Veitch (link to entry)
Tregold (link to entry)Tyll (link to entry)Venables (link to entry)
Tregosse (link to entry)Tylsley (link to entry)Venaissin, Comtat (link to entry)
Trelawney (link to entry), Bp. (link to entry)Tylson (link to entry)Vence (link to entry)
Tremayll (link to entry), (link to entry)Tynte (link to entry)Verdon (link to entry), *(link to entry), (link to entry)
Tremayne *(link to entry)Tyrwhitt *(link to entry)Vere (link to entry), (link to entry)
Tremenheere (link to entry)Tyrwhitt-Jones (link to entry), (link to entry)Vernai (link to entry)
Tremere (link to entry)Tyrwhitt (link to entry)Vernon (link to entry)
Trenereek (link to entry)Tytherley (link to entry)Verthon (link to entry)
Trenowith *(link to entry)Tythington (link to entry)Vesey (link to entry)
Trentham (link to entry)Tyssen (link to entry)Vicorez (link to entry)
Trersteyn (link to entry) Vidal (link to entry)
Trevenour (link to entry) Videlou (link to entry)
Trevethin (link to entry)Udney (link to entry)Viepound (link to entry)
Trevile (link to entry)Udward (link to entry)Vigne (link to entry)
Trevoneck (link to entry)Ufflet (link to entry)Villages (link to entry)
Trewarthen (link to entry)Ulster King of Arms (link to entry)Vinicombe (link to entry)

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