Fess, or Fesse. One of the honourable ordinaries, formed by two horizontal lines drawn across the field. P. 3, f. 1.
The Fesse occupies the third of the field,and like the other ordinaries, is subject to all the accidental lines as Engrailed, Wavy, etc. When the Fesse is placed higher than the centre, it is said to be transposed ; and when below the centre, it is termed abaisse. The diminutives of the Fesse are the Bar, P. 5, f. 1. Closet, f. 4, and Barrulet, f. 3. These are also subject to the accidental lines ; e 6. Three Bars Nowy, P. 2, f. 14 ; two Closets, or Cottises Fleury, P. 5, f. 14.
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