The Newcastle Armorial (Boroughbridge Roll) 1319 Part 5 of 6

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    a roll with 5 columns
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title "The Newcastle Armorial (Boroughbridge Roll)
 1319 Part 5 of 6"
[From Greenstreet 1884 The Genealogist Vol 1 pp 51-54
 & 117-121 & Vol 2 pp 30-33 7 98-103 & Clemmensen 2016]

Arg., a lion rampant Gu., crowned Or, a bend Sa. charged
 with three mullets Or. (Arg., a lion ramp. Gu., crowned
 Or, debruised by a bend Sa. charged with three mullets
 of the 3rd.) [ D’argent, ove j. lyoun de Gules,
 coroné d’Or, j. bende de Sable, en la bende iij.
 Molez d’Or]
caption "161 Sire Geffrey soun frere"

Barry Or and Gu on a chief tierced in pale Or paly
 of 9 Or and Gu; and Or  2 gyrons Gu over
 all an inescutcheon Arg  (-closest I can get- Barry
 of six Or and Gu., on a chief of the 1st two pales
 betw. two gyrons of the 2nd, and over all an ineseutcheon
 Arg.) [Barre d'Or et de Gules, ove le chief palee
 et les coroners gerounee, ove j. fauz escuchun d'Argent.]
caption "162 Sire Hugh Mortymer"

Quarterly per fess indented Az. And Arg.(Quarterly
 indented Az. And Arg.) [Quartilée endentée d’Azur
 et d’Argent]
caption "163 Sire Johan de Aketon"

Fretty Gu. and Or, a label Arg.(Gu., frettee Or, a
 label of three pendants Arg.) [De Gules, frettee d'Or,
 label d'Argent,]
caption "164 Sire William Cheny"

Gu., on a bend Arg. three crosses patonce Sa. [De
 Gules, ove f j.bende d’Argent, ove iij. Croiz paté
 de Sable]
caption "165 Sire Adam de Reresby"

Paly of six Or and Gu. on a bend Sa. three water-bougets
 Arg [Paulee d'Or et de Goules, ove j. bende de Sable,
 iiij. Busseus d’Argent]
caption "166 Sire Rauf de Burton"

Or, an eagle displayed Az. [D'or, ove j. egle d'Azur]
caption "167 Sire William de Montgomery"

Gu., in dexter chief a mullet Or, two lions passant
 Ermine (Gu., two lions passant Erm., and in the dexter
 chief a mullet Or.) [De Gules, ove ij.lyouns passauntz
 d'Ermyne, ove j. molet d'Or en kauntel.]
caption "168 Sire Roger de Felton"

Crusilly Az. and Or two trumpets inverted in point
 or shown much larger; over all a label Arg. (-matching
 brass in church- Az., crusilly and two hautboys in
 pile Or ; a label of three pendants Arg.) [D'azur,
 ij.trompes d'Or, croiselee d'Or, j.label d'Argent.]

caption "169 Sire Roger de Trumpeton"

Ermine, two chevrons Sa. [D'ermyne, ij.cheverouns
 de Sable.]
caption "170 Sire Johan de Ylee"

Arg., a fess Sa. a bordure Gu bezanty indented (Arg.,
 a fess Sa. within a bordure indented Gu. bezantee.)
 [D'ar- gent, ove j.fesse de Sable, la bordure endentee
 et besaunté d'Or.]
caption "171 Sire Johan de Weston le fiz"

Sa., a pile engrailed Arg. (Sa., a pile indented Arg.)
 [De Sable, ove j.peel engrele d'Argent.]
caption "172 Sire Johan de fforneus"

Or, a saltire engrailed Sa. and a label platy Gu.
 (Or, a saltire engrailed Sa. and a label of three
 pendants Gu. platy.) [D'or, ove j.sauter engrele de
 Sable, j. label de Gules, pelotée d’Argent]
caption "173 Sire Johan Botour le fiz"

Arg., a cross patonce Az. And a label Gu. [D'argent,
 ove j. croiz patee d'Azur, j. label de Gules.]
caption "174 Sire Johan de Beverkote"

Ermine, three crescents Or, and a bend Gu. [D'ermyne,
 ove iij cressaunz d’Or, j. bende de Gules]
caption "175 Sire Wauter de Holewelle"

Chequy Or and Sa., a fess Arg. [Chekere d'Or et de
 Sable, ove j. fesse d'Argent.]
caption "176 Sire Roger de Cursonn"

Arg., two bars Crusilly Sa. and Or. (Arg., two bars
 Sa. Crusilly patonce Or.) [D'argent, ove ij. barres
 de Sable, ove les croiseletz pateez d'Or.]
caption "177 Sire Johan de Deen"

Gu., a cross engrailed Arg., and a label Or. [De Gules,
 ove j.croiz engrelee d7Argent, label d'Or.]
caption "178 Sire Johan de Hengethorpe"

Quarterly per fess indented Arg. and Sa. [Quartile
 endentee d'Argent et de Sable.]
caption "179 Sire William le fiz Waryn"

Arg., an eagle displayed Purpure [D’argent, ove
 j. egle de Purpre]
caption "180 Sire Johan Wauncy"

Quarterly Or and Gu., in the second quarter a mullet
 Arg., and over all a label Sa. [Quartilee d'Or et
 de Gules, ove j. mojet d'Argent, ove j.label de Sable.]
caption "181 Sire Thomas de Veer, le fiz le Counte
 de Oxenford"

Chequy Or and Gu., on a fess Arg. three martlets Sa.
 [Chekere d'Or et de Gules, ove j.fesse d'Argent, ij.
 merlotz de Sable.]
caption "182 Sire Roger de Thorpe"

Arg., a saltire engrailed Sa., and a label Gu. [D'argent,
 ove j. sauter engrele de Sable, j. label de Gules.]
caption "183 Sire Henry de Cocfield"

Billetty Gu., and Or, a fess Arg. (Gu., billetty Or,
 a fess Arg.) [De Gules, bilettée d’Or, ove j. fesse
caption "184 Sire Thomas Loveyn"

Arg., on a chevron Az. Three griffins Gu. [D'argent,
 ove j. cheveroun d'Azur, iij. griffouns de Gules en
 le cheveroun.]
caption "185 Sire Adam le Bloy"

Sa., a fess between two chevrons Or; overall a label
 flory Gu. and Arg. (Sa., a fess between two chevrons
 Or; a label of three pendants Gu. flory Arg.) [De
 Sable, ove j.fesse ij. cheveroun d'Or, label de Goules
 flurettee d'Argent.]
caption "186 Sire Johan de Tendryng"

Arg., a lion rampant Gu., crowned Or, a bend Sa. charged
 with three mullets Or. (-same as 161- Arg., a lion
 ramp. Gu. crowned Or, debruised by a baston Sa. charged
 with three mullets of the 3rd.) [D'argent, ove j.
 lyoun de Gules, corone d'Or, j. bastoun de Sable,
 iij.moletz d'Or.]
caption "187 Sire Geffrey de Cornewayle"

Arg., a lion rampant Gu., crowned Or, a bend bezanty
 Sa.  (Same arms, but the baston Sa. bezantee.) [Mesme
 les armes ove lebastoun besauntee.]
caption "188 Sire Edmonde de Cornwaille"

Barry Or and Gu on a chief tierced in pale Or paly
 of 9 Or and Gu; and Or  2 gyrons Gu over
 all an inescutcheon Arg (-closest I can get, same
 as 162- Barry of six Or and Gu., on a chief of the
 1st two pales betw. two gyrons of the 2nd, and over
 all an ineseutcheon Arg.) [Barre palee et geroune
 d'Or et de Gules, ove l’escuchun d'Argent.]
caption "189 Sire Hugh de Mortymer"

Gu., three lions rampant Or a bordure indented Arg.
 (Gu., three lions rampant Or within a bordure indented
 Arg. -Poss. border engrailed-) [De Gules, ove iij.lyouns
 d'Or, ove la bordure endente d'Argent.]
caption "190 Sire Reynauld le fiz Reynauld"

Gu., a chevron between three unicorns Arg. [De Gules,
 ove j. cheveroun iij. unicorns d'Argent.]
caption "191 Sire Ramond le fiz Richard"

Gu., an inescutcheon Arg. 12 mullets Arg in an Orle.
 (Gu., an inescutcheon within an orle of mullets Arg.
 -May be an orle of Martletts-) [De Gules, ove j. escuchun
 d'Argent, j. bordur
molettee d'Argent.]
caption "192 Sire Johan de Crambille"

Gu., a saltire engrailed Or between four cinquefoils
 Or (Gu., a saltire engrailed … between four cinquefoils
 ...) [De Gules, ove j. sauter engrelée, ove iiij
caption "193 Sire Johan de Burneville"

Arg., a chevron between three buckles Sa. [D'argent,
 ove j. cheveroun ij. firmals de Sable.]
caption "194 Sire Robert de Norton"

Az., three stirrups, 2 and 1, within a bordure indented
 Or. (-Bordure Engrailed?-) [D'azur, ove ij.escrues
 d'Or, la bordure endentee d'Or.]
caption "195 Sire Piers Giffard"

Arg., two bars and a canton Gu., a label Arg. [D'argent,
 ove ij.barres de Gules, j. quarter de Gules, label
caption "196 Sire Johan Corbet"

Az. 12 martlets Or in an Orle. (Az., an orle of martlets
 Or. -Poss 6 martlets 3-2-1-) [D'azur, ove la bordure
 de meiiotz d'Or.]
caption "197 Sire Robert de Appleby"

Arg., on a chief Az. Two mullets Or. [D'argent, ove
 le chief d'Azur, ove ij.moletz d'Or.]
caption "198 Sire Robert de Clynton"

Crusilly Arg., and Sa., on a chief Az. Two mullets
 Or. (Arg., crusilly Sa., on a chief Az. Two mullets
 Or.) [d’Argent ove le chief dAzur, ove ij. Molettes
 d’Or, croisele de Sable.]
caption "199 Sire Johan de Clynton"

Sa., a fess between six martlets Or. [De Sable, ove
 j. fesse vj. Merlotz d'Or]
caption "200 Sire Thomas Russival"

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Notes: The original text in French is given in square brackets, the text from Greenstreet and my comments in brackets.

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