The Newcastle Armorial (Boroughbridge Roll) 1319 Part 3 of 6

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    a roll with 5 columns
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title "The Newcastle Armorial (Boroughbridge Roll)
 1319 Part 3 of 6"
[From Greenstreet 1884 The Genealogist Vol 1 pp 51-54
 & 117-121 & Vol 2 pp 30-33 7 98-103 & Clemmensen 2016]

Arg., a fess Sa. between three crescents Gu. (Arg.,
 a fosse Sa. between three crescents Gu.) [D’Argent,
 ove j. fesse de Sable, et iij. cressaunz de Gules.]
caption "81 Sire Johan de Patishulle"

Vert, an inescutcheon 12 martlets Arg. in an orle
 (Vert, an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets
 Arg.) [De vert, ove un escuehun d’Argent, ove la
 bordure et les ameroles d’Argent.]
caption "82 Sire Johan de Empyngham"

Gu., on a chief Arg. two mullets Sa. [De Gules, ove
 le chief d’Argent, ove ij. molettes de Sable.]
caption "83 Sire Johan de Saint Johan, de Lageham"

Flory Az., and Or a lion rampant Or over all a bend
 compony Arg. and Gu. (Az., flory and a lion ramp.
 Or over all a baston gobony Arg. and Gu.) [D’azur,
 ove j. lyoun d’Or, flurette d’Or, ove j. bastoun
 gobune d’Argent et de Gules.]
caption "84 Sire Henry de Beaumond, Baneret"

Gu., a chief chequy Or and Az., and overall a bend
 Ermine [De Gules, ove le chief chekeri d’Or et d’Azur,
 ove j. bastoun d’Ermyn.]
caption "85 Sire Johan de Hanstede"

Crusilly Gu., and Or a chevron Or a label Arg. (Gu.,
 crusilly and a chevron Or a label of three pendants
 Arg.) [De Gules, ove un cheveroun croiselee d’Or,
 ove label d’Argent.]
caption "86 Sire William de Kyme"

Flory Az. and Or, a demi lion rampant Arg., and overall
 a bend Gu. (Az. flory Or, a demi lion ramp. Arg.,
 and over all a bend Gu.) [Les armes de ffraunce, ove
 j. lyoun recoupee d’Argent, j. bende de Goules.]
caption "87 Sire William Morele"

Crusilly Sa., and Arg. a chevron Arg. (Sa., crusilly
 and a chevron Arg.) [De Sable, j. cheveroun d’Arg-
 ent, ove les croiseletz d’Argent.]
caption "88 Sire William de Parys"

Arg., three flesh-pots Gu. within a bordure bezanty
 Sa. (Arg., three flesh-pots Gu. within a bordure Sa.
 bezantee.) [D’argent ove iij. potz de Gules, la
 bordure de Sable besaunte d’Or.]
caption "89 Sire Bertram Munbucher"

Bendy of six Arg. and Az. [Bendee d’Argent et d’Azur.]
caption "90 Sire Johan de Seint Fulbert"

Arg., five cinquefoils 2, 2 and 1 Sa. [D’argent,
 ove v. quint-foilles de Sable.]
caption "91 Sire William de Lymbiry"

Or, a fess between two chevrons Sa. [D’or, ove j.
 fesse ij. cheverouns de Sable.]
caption "92 Sire Robert de Lidle, Baneret"

Az., a bend between six mullets Or. [D’azur, bendee
 -sic- d’Or, ove vj. moles d’Or.]
caption "93 Sire Robert Bretown"

Arg. three lions passant Gu., within a bordure indented
 Az. [D’argent ove iij. lyouns de Gules, la
bordure endentee d’Azur.]
caption "94 Sire Walter de Gloucestre"

Crusilly Arg., and Gu. and three sixfoils Gu. (Arg.,
 crusilly and three sixfoils Gu.) [D’argent, ove
 iij. sistefoils de Goules, croisele de Gules.]
caption "95 Sire Piers de Saltmers"

Barry of six Az. and Arg. a bend gobony Arg. and Gu.
 (Barry of six Az. and Arg. baston gobony Arg. and
 Gu.) [Barre d’Azur et d’Argent, ove j. bastoun
 goboune d’Argent et de Gules.]
caption "96 Sire Nichol de Grey"

Gu., a fess vair between four water-bougets Or. [De
 Goules, ove iiij. busseus d’Or, ove j. fesse de
caption "97 Sire Thomas de Ros"

Arg., a chevron Gu. [D’argent, ovej. cheveroundeGules.]
caption "98 Sire Henry Tyeys, Baneret"

Gu., a saltire vair. [De Gules, ove j. sauter de veer.]
caption "99 Sire Henry de Wylington"

Paly wavy Or and Gu. [Porte unde d’Or et de Gules
 en lunge.]
caption "100 Sire … Mandynt"

Az., an escarbuncle Or. [D’azur, ove j. charbucle
caption "101 Sire ffrancis de Haltham"

Arg., on a chief indented Gu. two mullets Or. [D'argent,
 le chief endente de Goules, ij. moles d'Or.]
caption "102 Sire Edward de Saint Jorhan"

Gu., a bend vair. [.De Gules, j. bende de vena]
caption "103 Sire Robert Beaupeyl"

Arg., three bendlets Gu. (Arg., three bends Gu.) [D'argent,
 ove iij. bendes de Gules.]
caption "104 Sire Otes de Botringham"

Arg., on a fess Gu. three stags' heads caboshed Or.
 [D'argent, ove j. fesse de Gules, ove iij. testes
 de deym d'Or.]
caption "105 Sire Philip de Bek’, piere"

Fretty Gu., and Arg. and a fess Az. (Gu., frettee
 Arg. and a fess Az.) [De Gules, frette d'Argent, ove
 j. fesse d'Azur.]
caption "106 Sire William fflemenk"

Or, a lion rampant fretty Az. and Arg. (Or, a lion
 ramp. Az. fretted Arg.) [D'or, ove j. lyoun d'Azur
 frette d'Argent.]
caption "107 Sire Alayn de Bokeshulle"

Arg., a lion rampant, chequy Or and Sa. [D'argent,
 ove j. lyoun chekere d'Or et de Sable.]
caption "108 Sire Rauf de Cobham"

Barry wavy of six Arg. and Az. [Undé d'Argent et
caption "109 Sire Nichol Percy"

Arg., on a fess Gu. three stags' heads caboshed Or,
 and in dexter chief a martlet Sa. shown much smaller
 (Arg., on a fess Gu. three stags' heads caboshed Or,
 and in the dexter chief a martlet Sa. for difference.)
 [D'argent, ove j. fesse de Gules, ove iij. testes
 de deym d'Or, ovej. Merlot de Sable.]
caption "110 Sire Johan de Beck, fiz"

Barry wavy of six Arg. and Sa. [Undo d'Argent et de
caption "111 Sire Gilbert de Elmsfeld"

Paly of six Arg. and Gu., on a chief Az. a lion passant
 Or. [Palee d'Argent et de Gules, ove le chef d'Azur,
 ove j. lyoun passaunt d'Or. ]
caption "112 Sire Johan de Langeford"

Roundelly Gu. and Or, a canton Ermine, and over all
 a label Az. (Gu., semy of roundles Or, a canton Erm.,
 and over all a label of three pendants Az.) [De Gules,
 besaunte d'Or, j. quarter d'Ermyn, j. label d'Azur.]
caption "113 Sire Yonn la Souch’"

Barruly Az. and Arg., three chaplets Gules.  (Barruly
 Az. and Arg., and over all three chaplets of roses
 Gu.) [Burule d'Azur et d'Argent, ove iij. chapeietz
 de Gules.]
caption "114 Sire Rauf de Creistoke"

Arg., on a bend Sa. Three martlets Or. [D'argent,
 ove j. bende de Sable, ove iij. merloz d'Or.]
caption "115 Sire Johan de Hasthorp’"

Arg., three chaplets Gu. (Arg., three chaplets of
 roses Gu.) [D'argent, ove iij. chapeuz de rose]
caption "116 Sire Robert de Hilton"

Gu., a chief engrailed Arg. all within a bordure indented
 Or,  a label barruly of the second and Az.(Gu., a
 chief engrailed Arg. within a bordure indented Or,
 and over all a label of three pendants barruly of
 the second and Az.) [De Gules, ove le chief engrele
 d'Argent, la bordure endentee d'Or, j. label burule
 d'Argent et d'Azur.]
caption "117 Sire Philip de Neville"

Arg., on a chief Az. Two mullets Or ; all within a
 bordure indented Gu. (Arg., on a chief Az. Two mullets
 Or ; a bordure indented Gu.) [D'argent, le chief d'
 Azur, ove ij moles d'Or, j. bordure endentee j de
caption "118 Sire Gerard de Salveyn"

Gu., a saltire engrailed and a chief indented Arg.
 [De Gules, j. sauter engrele d'Argent, le chief endentee
caption "119 Sire William de Bruys"

Purpure, a chief indented Or. [De Purpre, le chief
 endentee d'Or.]
caption "120 Sire Randolf fiz Rauf"

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Notes: The original text in French is given in square brackets, the text from Greenstreet and my comments in brackets.

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